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Best Healthy Pantry Foods that Never Expire For Emergency | Save Money on Food Guide

With food prices skyrocketing and recession on the horizon, it is time to prepare your home pantry with foods that have longer expiration date.



Natural calamities like floods, hurricanes, and blizzards frequently happen without much or no advance notice. You can weather the storm (or pandemic) with less stress if you stock up now on the necessary non-perishable food supplies.

Why Would You Eat Differently in an Emergency?

In contrast to your regular diet, emergency nutrition is significantly different. You should consume high-energy, high-protein foods throughout your emergency plan because you’ll likely spend more energy than you typically would (see how an emergency fund differs from a savings account).

If the emergency is caused by an illness (like the 2020 coronavirus outbreak), it is extremely crucial to eat wholesome meals that will support your continued good health.

The higher-quality meals you eat—and the fewer of them you eat—the better because you’ll only have a limited supply in your disaster preparedness bag.

What to Always Have on Hand in the Pantry

You may store away such non-perishable food products for a long period of time, even when it’s not storming or tornado season, because they have longer expiration dates. To keep things fresh, make a list of each item in your stockpile and check the expiry dates every six to twelve months.

Additionally, keep a can opener close by at all times because all that food will be useless if you can’t open it.

Peanut Butter

Peanut butter is a fantastic source of energy and is a terrific supply of protein and good fats. You don’t need to put the container in the refrigerator after opening it except if the jar says to.

Whole-Wheat Crackers

When creating sandwiches, crackers work just as well as bread in place of it.

Whole-wheat or whole-grain biscuits have a shorter lifespan than plain varieties due to their increased fat content (check the package for expiry dates), but the additional fiber is beneficial during times of extreme hunger.

To maintain the freshness of your crackers, think about vacuum-packing them.


To prevent staleness after opening, select individually wrapped multigrain cereals.

Dried Fruits

These nutritious snacks include potassium and dietary fiber in place of fresh fruit. According to Swanson, “Dried fruits provide you with a large number of nutrients and calories.”

Canned Tuna, Salmon, Chicken, or Turkey

Canned meats offer necessary protein and often last at least two years in the cupboard. Despite having a lower shelf life, vacuum-packed pouches should last at least six months, according to Diane Van, supervisor of the USDA livestock and poultry helpdesk.

Canned Vegetables

Canned variants may still give you the vital nutrients you need if the real thing is out of the question, making them excellent storm food or natural catastrophe options.

Order a case of Libby’s mixed veggie cans to receive as many of those beneficial vitamins and minerals as you can. Peas, carrots, maize, lima beans, and green beans are all contained in one can, providing you with a well-balanced lunch right out of the jar.

Canned Soups and Chili

Directly out of the can, soups and chili both offer a variety of nutrients. Consider sodium-free choices.

Bottled Water

A minimum of three days’ worth of supplies should be kept on hand; each individual needs one gallon each day.

A typical active individual needs to consume at least a half-gallon of water per day. “Use the other half gallon to wash and add to food.”

Dry Pasta and Pasta Sauces

Even while pasta contains a lot of gluten and carbs, it is a filling food, and both dry pasta and bottled sauce may be stored for months on end in the cupboard.

If anyone in your household must adhere to a strict diet, opt for chickpea or gluten-free pasta (or another alternative).

Granola Bars and Power Bars

These portable snacks are nutritious and filling, and they often remain fresh for at least six months. Additionally, they are a fantastic source of carbs. Without consuming a lot of food, carbs might provide you with additional energy.


Quinoa is a “complete protein” since it has all nine necessary amino acids and may be stored in the pantry for up to four months. The fiber-rich grain can be added to salads or burritos.

Brown Rice

Unsealed brown rice can be kept at room temperature for a year and is a great source of fiber, vitamin E, and other antioxidants.

It should last for roughly six months after being opened (to make, for instance, this brown rice bowl with egg and avocado).

Sugar, Salt, and Pepper

You might be cooking if you have access to a stove that runs on propane or charcoal. The flavor of your meals, both fresh and processed, will be enhanced by having a basic supply of seasonings and sweeteners.

Final Note

Consider purchasing all of your pantry essentials in cans if you live in a flood-prone area because they are less likely to become contaminated by flood waters than containers are.

People are advised against consuming home-canned food or food in jars that have come in contact with flood waters because the seals are not entirely intact.

Ensure to stock up on those necessary things as well if your household has unique demands, such as a young child or regular medicine use. Keep additional baby food and formula on hand, as well as a backup supply of your prescription drugs.

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