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Personal Finance

How to Use the Rule of 72 to Make Money

Francise Angel



Would you like to increase your fortune in a hurry? In that case, you need to educate yourself on what’s known as the Rule of 72.

You can double your wealth by following this one easy guideline in just nine years. The Rule of 72 is going to be covered in this tutorial, along with how you can apply it to quickly increase your money.

In addition to that, we will present some instances to help illustrate how this rule should be applied. Therefore, if you are interested in gaining further knowledge, continue reading!

What Is The Rule Of 72?

When an investment has a set annual rate of return, it can be easily determined using the rule of 72, the duration for the investment to double. The rule is as simple as 72 divided by the yearly rate of return. The answer represents the approximate number of years needed for the investment to double.

For instance, if your investment generates an 8% yearly return, it will take about 9 years to double (72/8 = 9). Similarly, if your investment generates a 12% yearly return, it will take roughly 6 years for your investment to double (72/12 = 6).

The rule of 72 is only a general estimation that does not take compounding into account, which can have a major impact on the duration it takes for an investment to double.

Whenever interest on an investment is reinvested, compounding takes place, and interest is gained on both the original and the reinvested interest for the following period. As a result, the development of the investment is accelerated.

The rule of 72 is a helpful tool for determining how long an investment will take to grow, but it’s crucial to keep in mind that it’s just an estimation. You could use a compound interest calculator to make a computation that is more precise.

How Does The Rule Of 72 Work?

With a set yearly rate of return, the rule of 72 provides a straightforward formula for estimating when an investment will double.

Divide 72 by the yearly rate of return to apply the rule. This figure is the estimated number of years it would take for the money to double.

The time it will take for your investment to double, for instance, if you receive an 8% yearly return, is around 9 years (72/8 = 9).

Similar to the previous example, it will take roughly 6 years for your investment to double if you receive a 12% yearly return (72/12 = 6).

The compounding effect, which can greatly affect the days it takes for an investment to double, is not taken into account by the rule of 72, making it a rough approximation.

Compounding happens when interest on investment is reinvested so that the interest for the following period is earned on both the original and the reinvested interest. In turn, the investment’s growth is accelerated as a result.

The rule of 72 is a reliable tool for estimating how long an investment will take to grow, but it’s important to remember that it’s just an educated guess. A more accurate computation can be made by using a compound interest calculator.

How Does The Rule Of 72 Work With Inflation?

The pace of price growth for goods and services over time is referred to as inflation. Given a constant annual inflation rate, one may utilize the rule of 72 to see how long it takes for the cost of goods and services to double.

Divide 72 by the inflation rate in order to apply the rule. The resultant number is a rough calculation of the number of years required for the prices of goods and services to double.

For instance, it will take roughly 24 years for the cost of goods and services to double if the inflation rate is 3% (72/3 = 24). Similarly, if the inflation rate is 6%, it will take roughly 12 years (72/6 = 12) for the prices of goods to double.

The rule of 72 is a functional tool for calculating when the cost of products and services will double, but it’s vital to keep in mind that this is merely an estimate. Your actual outcomes may differ.

Ways Deferred Annuities Can Apply The Rule To Savings For Retirement

The rule of 72 can be used in deferred annuities as a method for estimating the amount of time it will take for an investment to grow by a factor of two.

When a constant yearly rate of return is applied, the deferred annuity will expand at a predetermined rate. It is possible for retirees to use the rule of 72 to assist them in predicting how long it will take for this increase to occur and then arrange their finances appropriately.

Final Note

Because it can assist you in gaining an understanding of the effects of compound interest, it simply means that the rule of 72 is a useful tool.

Your initial investment accumulates more value over time thanks to compound interest, which means it also receives a return on the interest it has already received.

As a consequence of this, the majority of individuals grossly underestimate the rate at which investments can increase in value.

The rule of 72 is a useful method for estimating the duration for an investment to multiply in value and for tapping into the potential power of compound interest.

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