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How Much Should You Spend on Furniture for a New Apartment

How much is too much for your new stuff?

Dean Jovceski



Now that you’ve finally found your ideal apartment, you’re probably thinking how much you should spend on furniture. It’s a typical predicament, and we are here to help!

We’ll outline the important aspects you should take into account before you start furnishing your new home. Let’s get started.

Consider Your Budget

Let’s start with the big issue at hand: your budget.

How much budget can you allocate for furniture?

As a general guideline, you should allocate around 10% and 15% of your monthly salary on house furnishings.

But if money is tight for you, don’t worry. With a little imagination and perseverance, you can still transform your home into a stunning space.

Think Long-Term

Consider your furniture’s durability before you make a purchase.

In a year, do you really want to be looking for a new couch or bed?

As much as possible, spend your money on durable items that will last for many years. We promise that in the long term, your pocket will appreciate it.

It’s All About the Location

The cost of your furniture is heavily influenced by where you reside. You might need to change your budget if you reside in a city with a high cost of living.

However, you might be able to get away with spending less on furniture if you live in a small town.

Size Matters

The amount you should spend on furniture also depends on the size of your apartment. You should be careful about the size of the furniture you buy if you have a small studio.

For example, a big couch could take up too much room and make your area seem really small.

On the other hand, if you have more space to fill in a large two-bedroom, you can indulge a little more on furniture.

Prioritize Your Wish List

Credits: Room Edit

Make a list of the stuff you’ll need for your new home before you go shopping. Sort your list by priority and be sure you buy the most crucial stuff first.

For instance, the first items on your list should be a bed and a couch, then a coffee table, chairs, and other furnishings that suit your kind of lifestyle.

Mix High and Low-End Pieces

Who says you have to spend a fortune to decorate your brand-new apartment?

Combining expensive and inexpensive items can result in a chic and eclectic style that will make your peers envious.

Invest in a few high-quality items that you adore, and then look for less expensive alternatives for the remaining items.

Spend money on a cozy couch, for instance, and then match it with a modest coffee table.

Alternately, go with a statement piece of art and then select more reasonably priced furnishings to go with it.

Consider Second-Hand Furniture

Credits: Sol + Spirit

Don’t immediately discount the thought of purchasing used furniture!

Vintage and used goods stores are a great place to find treasures. Additionally, purchasing used furniture is a terrific way to save money and lessen trash.

Keep an open mind and be prepared to work a little bit harder to make anything look brand-new again. What you can find and how much money you can save could surprise you.


It might be thrilling and entertaining to furnish your new apartment, but it’s crucial to stay within your budget.

Before making any significant purchases, take into account your budget, the location of your apartment, the size of your space, and your wish list.

And always prioritize quality over quantity when making decisions!

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This is Dean and he is a former banker with a passion for writing. He has Bachelor’s degree in Economics and an FCE English level certificate. Dean is an honest person looking for long-term partners and always giving clients more than they expect.

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